COSI® - Collateral Secured Instruments

COSI® – Collateral Secured Instruments

COSI® are structured products with a minimal issuer risk. This protection is provided by means of a collateral pledge. Investors thus profit from increased protection on the invested capital.

Certificates are bearer debt instruments (claims). The investor who purchases a certificate assumes a default risk that varies according to the creditworthiness of the issuer. The insolvency of the issuer could therefore result in a total loss for the investor. In order to minimize this risk, SIX Swiss Exchange is offering a service for the collateralization of certificates in collaboration with SIX SIS Ltd. and SIX Repo Ltd..

An overview of all currently available COSI® products can be found in the issuer matrix. Additional information for issuers is available through the website of SIX Swiss Exchange.




COSI Information Sheet   
COSI Factsheet   
Passive financial instruments in Switzerland   
COSI/TCM Factsheet   

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