Closing prices

This table provides daily market data of SIX Swiss Exchange - Structured Products for downloading. The files are first published at 17:35 CET and contain the closing prices and on-market volumes. The files are updated every hour until 22:35 as off-order book data may still change.

26.03.2025 Download closing prices 10178 kb
25.03.2025 Download closing prices 10122 kb
24.03.2025 Download closing prices 9969 kb
21.03.2025 Download closing prices 10732 kb
20.03.2025 Download closing prices 10755 kb
19.03.2025 Download closing prices 10719 kb
18.03.2025 Download closing prices 10755 kb
17.03.2025 Download closing prices 10651 kb
14.03.2025 Download closing prices 10612 kb
13.03.2025 Download closing prices 10570 kb
12.03.2025 Download closing prices 10574 kb
11.03.2025 Download closing prices 10638 kb
10.03.2025 Download closing prices 10471 kb
07.03.2025 Download closing prices 10360 kb
06.03.2025 Download closing prices 10373 kb
05.03.2025 Download closing prices 10383 kb
04.03.2025 Download closing prices 10317 kb
03.03.2025 Download closing prices 10204 kb
28.02.2025 Download closing prices 10067 kb
Archiv Download closing prices 34389 kb

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