market maker quality

Date Average Spread Last Best Bid Price Last Best Ask Price Last Best Bid Volume Last Best Ask Volume Average Buy Volume Average Sell Volume Average Buy Value Average Sell Value Spreads Availability Ratio Quote Availability
- - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
23/07/2024 - 0.02 - 213,181 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0.00%
22/07/2024 - 0.06 - 213,674 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 99.43%
19/07/2024 6.60% 0.16 0.17 219,065 75,000 218,920 75,000 34,775 12,724 66.16% 99.99%
18/07/2024 6.85% 0.13 0.16 216,025 75,000 217,649 75,000 34,294 12,654 9.26% 100.00%
17/07/2024 5.71% 0.17 0.18 218,959 75,000 219,464 75,000 38,871 14,056 99.12% 99.12%
16/07/2024 6.95% 0.13 0.14 219,258 75,000 219,499 75,000 30,527 11,180 100.00% 100.00%
15/07/2024 8.66% 0.15 0.16 219,484 75,000 217,621 75,000 24,431 9,166 98.74% 98.74%
12/07/2024 7.48% 0.10 0.11 217,271 75,000 218,903 75,000 28,449 10,494 99.38% 99.38%
11/07/2024 6.60% 0.14 0.15 219,183 75,000 220,031 75,000 32,319 11,765 99.16% 99.16%

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