market maker quality

Date Average Spread Last Best Bid Price Last Best Ask Price Last Best Bid Volume Last Best Ask Volume Average Buy Volume Average Sell Volume Average Buy Value Average Sell Value Spreads Availability Ratio Quote Availability
- - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
13/11/2024 8.04% 0.11 0.12 250,000 75,000 250,000 75,000 29,862 9,708 71.43% 77.24%
12/11/2024 7.37% 0.13 0.14 250,000 75,000 250,000 75,000 32,722 10,567 96.82% 96.82%
11/11/2024 6.54% 0.13 0.14 250,000 75,000 250,000 75,000 37,060 11,868 99.38% 99.38%
08/11/2024 6.68% 0.15 0.16 250,000 75,000 250,000 75,000 36,203 11,611 90.77% 90.77%
07/11/2024 6.48% 0.14 0.15 250,000 75,000 250,000 75,000 37,375 11,963 98.69% 98.69%
06/11/2024 4.90% 0.13 0.14 250,000 75,000 250,000 75,000 51,400 16,170 92.86% 92.86%
05/11/2024 4.79% 0.20 0.21 250,000 75,000 250,000 75,000 50,986 16,046 99.44% 99.44%
04/11/2024 4.89% 0.19 0.20 250,000 75,000 250,000 75,000 49,877 15,713 95.50% 95.50%
01/11/2024 4.53% 0.20 0.21 250,000 75,000 250,000 75,000 53,943 16,933 99.41% 99.41%

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