market maker quality

Date Average Spread Last Best Bid Price Last Best Ask Price Last Best Bid Volume Last Best Ask Volume Average Buy Volume Average Sell Volume Average Buy Value Average Sell Value Spreads Availability Ratio Quote Availability
- - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
12/09/2024 2.60% 0.67 0.69 80,000 10,000 71,649 9,958 54,646 7,813 99.77% 99.77%
11/09/2024 2.47% 0.83 0.85 70,000 10,000 56,668 9,540 52,504 9,035 98.41% 98.41%
10/09/2024 2.17% 0.89 0.91 60,000 10,000 60,000 10,000 54,412 9,267 100.00% 100.00%
09/09/2024 6.07% 0.96 0.98 60,000 10,000 23,021 5,009 21,418 4,818 100.00% 100.00%
06/09/2024 2.03% 1.06 1.08 50,000 10,000 51,868 9,893 52,252 10,175 98.20% 98.20%
05/09/2024 1.89% 1.02 1.04 50,000 10,000 50,887 9,996 52,919 10,603 99.47% 99.47%
04/09/2024 4.15% 1.18 1.20 50,000 10,000 23,638 5,900 28,805 7,348 98.06% 98.06%
03/09/2024 2.92% 1.22 1.24 50,000 10,000 38,617 8,131 43,871 9,429 97.84% 97.84%
30/08/2024 2.18% 1.01 1.03 50,000 10,000 59,052 9,934 54,671 9,400 99.15% 99.15%

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